Measured & targeted domestic spend. Import leakage (spending outside the local market) kept to a minimum. Greater than 67% of the cost base domestically sourced.
Progressive approach to employment. Over 2,500 individuals interviewed for approximately 160 jobs at Latitude 0°. Of those employed 60% had no prior experience of hospitality (entry level job).
Focus on human capital skills development, through training and employee support. Working partnerships to meet our supply chain and reduce our environmental footprint.
Latitude's Impact
Social responsibility is at the core of what we do.
Not only are we a crucial part of quality infrastructure that facilitates business and development and hence contributes economically, we also strive to have as much impact as possible through our employees, our domestic sourcing and our integrated community approach.

92% say they have learnt new skills.
81% say their quality of life has improved.
60% entry level jobs at Latitude 0°.
Less than 2% turnover at Latitude 15°.
Bursary program for further education available.
Medical support to all staff.
Our People
Entry level jobs and skills development are fundamental in empowering individuals. Latitude take a progressive approach to recruitment, training, career opportunities and well-being.

77% of hotel interiors sourced in Africa.
Key long-term artisan partnership with Katundu in Malawi, which supports over 400 individuals.
Food sourcing engages local entrepreneurs and businesses.
We are working towards greater transparency to improve quantitative measurement of our direct and indirect impact.
Import leakage: Latitude 15º - 32.3% / Latitude 13º - 30.9%
Our Supply Chain
Latitude embrace and capitalise on local talent, entrepreneurs and businesses, and seek to source as much as possible through its supply chain locally. We quantitatively measure ‘impact leakage’ and seek out new approaches and initiatives to challenge our operations.

‘Recommended’ by Lusaka Council for instigating waste separation at source.
Seeking out informal recycling solutions.
Solar boilers at all locations supplying 75% of our hot water.
All hotels have purified drinking water served in glass bottles.
Ethos of recycling embedded within signature interiors.
We are plastic-straw-free.
Our Environment
Despite the constraints of operating in Africa, we measure and challenge our energy consumption and waste management.

Our Community
Upskilling of local artisans through Katundu training.
Monetary and non monetary donations - equipment and training to support sustainable vocational skills.
Empowering local resourcefulness, capability and capacity.
Support of a range of NGOs though both cash and non-cash donations.
Our objective is to establish direct links into communities.
Our Community
We take a holistic and progressive approach to the needs of our communities and our involvement is a balance of grants, working partnerships and skills development.